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English abbreviation dictionary - sin


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U.S. gov. abbr.
Signatures In Need U.S. gov. abbr.
Success Ignoring Nature mil. abbr.
Strength In Numbers 3-let. lang. abbr.
Singhalese airport code Singapore, Singapore univ. abbr.
Student Infraction Notice univ. abbr.
Student Information Network sc. fict. abbr.
Smuggler Intersteller Network adult abbr.
Sex Issues And News adult abbr.
Sexuality Information Network gen. comp. abbr.
System Identification Number network. abbr.
Static Ip Notification sec. abbr.
Secure Identification Number educ. abbr.
Someday Is Now gen. bus. abbr.
Service Industry Night chat abbr.
Self Imposed Nonsense
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См. в других словарях

  ~1 n 1 disobedience to God, or an offence against God or religious laws  (The Bible says adultery is a sin. | the sin of pride | the Christian concept of sin | commit a sin (=do something that breaks a religious law)) 2 informal something that you strongly disapprove of  (It's a sin the way they waste all this money. | commit a sin)  (I had committed the unforgivable sin of forgetting her birthday. | it's a sin to do sth)  (It'd be a sin to evict them just because they haven't paid their rent.) 3 live in sin old-fashioned if two people live in sin they live together in a sexual relationship without being married 4 as miserable/ugly/guilty as sin spoken very unhappy, ugly, guilty etc 5 for my sins spoken especially BrE an expression used to suggest jokingly that something is like a punishment  (I'm the local party organizer, for my sins.)  (- see also sinful, cover/hide a multitude of sins multitude (3), original sin) - sinless adj ~2 v sinned, sinning 1 to break God's laws + agains  (He has sinned against God.) 2 be more sinned against than sinning old-fashioned used to say that someone should not be blamed for what they have done wrong, because they have been badly treated by other people ~3 technical the written abbreviation of sine ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (sins, sinning, sinned) 1. Sin or a sin is an action or type of behaviour which is believed to break the laws of God. The Vatican’s teaching on abortion is clear: it is a sin... N-VAR see also cardinal sin, mortal sin 2. If you sin, you do something that is believed to break the laws of God. The Spanish Inquisition charged him with sinning against God and man... You have sinned and must repent your ways. VERB: V against n, V • sinner (sinners) I am a sinner and I need to repent of my sins. N-COUNT 3. A sin is any action or behaviour that people disapprove of or consider morally wrong. The ultimate sin was not infidelity, but public mention which led to scandal. N-COUNT 4. If you say that a man and a woman are living in sin, you mean that they are living together as a couple although they are not married. (OLD-FASHIONED) She was living in sin with her boyfriend. PHRASE: V inflects 5. a multitude of sins: see multitude ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English ~ne, from Old English synn; akin to Old High German sunta ~ and probably to Latin sont-, sons guilty, est is — more at is  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. an offense against religious or moral law  b. an action that is or is felt to be highly reprehensible it's a ~ to waste food  c. an often serious shortcoming ; fault  2.  a. transgression of the law of God  b. a vitiated state of human nature in which the self is estranged from God  Synonyms: see offense  II. intransitive verb  (~ned; ~ning)  Date: before 12th century  1. to commit a ~  2. to commit an offense or fault  III. noun  Etymology: Hebrew sin  Date: circa 1823 the 21st letter of the Hebrew alphabet — see alphabet table  IV. abbreviation ~e ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. n. & v. --n. 1 a the breaking of divine or moral law, esp. by a conscious act. b such an act. 2 an offence against good taste or propriety etc. --v. (sinned, sinning) 1 intr. commit a sin. 2 intr. (foll. by against) offend. 3 tr. archaic commit (a sin). Phrases and idioms as sin colloq. extremely (ugly as sin). for one's sins joc. as a judgement on one for something or other. like sin colloq. vehemently or forcefully. live in sin colloq. live together without being married. sin bin colloq. 1 Ice Hockey a penalty box. 2 a place set aside for offenders of various kinds. Derivatives sinless adj. sinlessly adv. sinlessness n. Etymology: OE syn(n) 2. abbr. sine. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1. грех deadly sin —- смертный грех original sin —- первородный грех sin of pride —- грех гордыни sins of omission and of commission —- библ. грехи деянием или недеянием for my sins I was appointed to... —- за мои прегрешения я был назначен в... 2. разг. грех, ошибка it's a sin to stay indoors on such a fine day! —- грех сидеть дома в такой прекрасный день! it's a sin to waste time —- грешно растрачивать время 3. сожительство вне брака to live in sin —- сожительствовать, жить в грехе child of sin —- незаконнорожденный ребенок, плод греха 4. порок, недостаток a besetting sin —- неискоренимый недостаток 5. проступок; оплошность to commit a sin against morals —- преступить законы морали a grave social sin —- серьезная оплошность в повседневной жизни Id: like sin —- яростно, очень сильно Id: it was raining like sin —- дождь лил как из ведра Id: she's ugly as sin —- она страшна как смертный грех 6. грешить; согрешить he is a man more sinned against than sinning —- он не столько грешник, сколько жертва греха the portrait sins by excessive exactness —- портрет грешит излишней фотографичностью 7. (against) нарушать; противоречить to sin against the laws of society —- нарушать законы общества; идти против законов общества the system sins against the canons —- данная система противоречит установившейся традиции to sin against propriety —- нарушать приличия 8. совершать...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun грех; to live in sin - жить в незаконном браке Syn: error, fault, indiscretion, misdeed, transgression, wrong Ant: benefaction, good deed, goodness, kindness  2. v.  1) (со)грешить  2) нарушать (правила, нормы); to sin against the laws of society - нарушать законы общества SIN tax amer.; coll. налог на табак, алкогольные напитки, азартные игры и т.п. ...
Англо-русский словарь
  - O.E. synn "wrongdoing, offense, misdeed," from P.Gmc. *sundjo, probably ult. "true" (cf. Goth. sonjis, O.N. sannr "true"), with semantic development via notion of "to be truly the one (who is guilty)," as in O.N. phrase verр sannr at "be found guilty of." The verb is O.E. syngian "to commit sin." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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